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LoL Cooldown Tracker 0.0
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League Cooldown Tracker helps you track important cooldowns of a player in the opposing team (ultimate and summoner spells). You can adjust for summoner spell cooldown redu...展开


This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate. 7.19 to 8.9 change list: Azir 140/120/100 -> 120/105/90 Eve 120/100/80 -> 140/110/80 Zoe 11/8/5 Aurelion Sol 120/100/80 -> 110/90/70 Malzahar 120/100/80 -> 140/110/80 Ornn 130/100/70 -> 140/120/100 Viktor 120/110/100 -> 120/100/80 Fiddlesticks 150/140/130 -> 140/110/80 Tristana 100/85/70 -> 120/110/100 Zed 120/100/80 -> 120/90/60 Kai’Sa 110/90/70 Ryze 120 -> 180 Irelia 100/80/60 -> 140/120/100 Leblanc 54/42/30 -> 60/45/30 Galio 180/150/120 -> 200/180/160 Graves 120/100/80 -> 110/85/60 Lissandra 130/105/80 -> 120/100/80


大小:18.0M 更新:2024-05-29 版本:版本 ... 类别:工具 平台:系统要求:iOS 10.0 或更高版本 来自:itunes