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8 Ball - Kings of Pool 4.7
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尊贵的台球体验。 我们为经典的美式台球进行了升级,让其更现代、更精致。每一处细节都经过热烈的讨论加以改进并精心设计,为你呈现一款易上手、玩上瘾且画面精美的游戏。 赌得大,赢得多。 与技术娴熟的全球美式台球玩家对阵。战胜他们,赢取专享高筹码桌子。增加你的现金进账,成为游戏中最富有的台球手。 在俱乐部与好友一起玩。 与球技精湛的好友创...展开


- Fixed an issue where player profile pictures would sometimes not appear correctly. - Added an option to disable interstitial ads in the settings. Ads are important to support Kings of Pool, but we know that some people would prefer to disable them and we want to extend that ability to all players, not just players who spend. - Fixed an issue with certain hats getting twisted on Scratch"s head - Fixed cue sorting issue


大小:260.2M 更新:2024-05-14 版本:版本 ... 类别:游戏 平台:系统要求:iOS 10.0 或更高版本 来自:itunes