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CT ChronoCast 0.0
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ChronoCast is an Announcer App that works exclusively with ChronoTrack hardware. ChronoCast allows timers to easily load athlete files to the app through announcer.chronotrac...展开


Whats new in this build: - You can now highlight the row of an athlete by adding a hex color to the uploaded .CSV file - You can now change text color of the row of an athlete by adding a hex color to the uploaded .CSV file - Custom information can now be added to the .CSV - Custom information is displayed in the app by selecting the athlete For more information please view our knowledge base, knowledge.chronotrack.com


大小:22.9M 更新:2024-05-27 版本:版本 ... 类别:商务 平台:系统要求:iOS 9.0 或更高版本 来自:itunes